Monday, January 17, 2011

I Love You, Brisbane

What an incredible week.

I don't even know where to begin. This time last week all of Brisbane was waiting for the world as we know it to end. And it did.

I'm sure you've heard all the details. Seen the devastation in Toowoomba, Lockyer Valley, Ipswich, Brisbane... Ive watched hours and hours of news broadcasts in the last week and listened to just as much radio coverage describing the destruction but nothing can prepare you for driving the streets and seeing people's lives on the footpath. Looking into the open front doors of house after house, street after street and seeing homes completely gutted, only their frames remaining.

What I also didn't expect was the abundance of incredible kindness shown by thousands of volunteers around my beautiful city, out there in the middle of summer in the essential long pants and shirts, gumboots and gloves, helping anyone they can. It is truly overwhelming.

I contributed on Saturday by supplying volunteers with plenty of homemade goods and drinks but got the chance to physically help out on Sunday. We were on the other side of the goodwill that day and the drinks and sausages (well not for the vegos) were so gratefully received. You dont have to do much. You just have to do SOMETHING and thankfully, a lot of people are <3

Incase youve been asleep for a week... A GALLERY OF THE CLEAN UP

Image from

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