So yesterday I turned the big Three Oh. I've been dreading this time for probably the last 5 years, convinced one's life is completely over once they reach the ripe old age of 30. Im going to prove myself wrong.
As the clocked ticked over from 11:59pm on the 7th of March, my life did not end. I was still breathing. Still in my beautiful home that I bought with my amazing best friend and partner. Still the mummy of 2 crazy cats that think they are human and make our lives infinitely more enjoyable. Still working in a job I (mostly) love. Still living. Thats the point. Things only end and stop being fun if you let them. Wow, Im so wise now.
We kicked off birthday week (yes, Im 30! I get a whole week) at Mecca Bah on Saturday night with my family. Great food, great company and even better cocktails ;)
Last night M and I, along with H and her husband M (his birthday was on the 2nd of March so we had a combined do) went to Aria for dinner. Ooh la la. The food was deifnitely worth the hype (and the price), unless you're vegan. And we are. Woops. I kid (kind of). The food was delicious and the service impeccable but I dont think a piece of celery, half a leek, two TINY pieces of eggplant and some cherry tomatoes is worth $42 (the same price as a 300gm steak). If you're a meat eater or even just a vegetarian then there is much more on offer and definitely worth a visit.
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